Rate your boss
Career coaches often say that people don't leave jobs, they leave bosses. It is easier to rate your boss if you have a checklist of qualities to use for assessment. To create this list, I asked people to describe what matters to them about their boss.
While no boss can be perfect, the more your boss does the following, the better your career situation will be:
__Communicates a clear vision/mission/objectives.
__Is transparent and honest about changes going on with a department and/or organization.
__ Knows how to coach others for improved performance.
__Maintains appropriate boundaries.
__Is a role model for good work/life balance and encourages employees to have the same.
__Has high emotional IQ.
__Expresses appreciation for a job done well.
__Shows respect for other people, especially as it relates to time and schedules.
__Advocates for the team, even when professionally risky to do so.
__Adapts management style for different personalities and needs.
__Can make decisions that are thoughtful but decisive and timely.
__Is empathic.
__ Knows how to manage upward and cross-functionally.
__Is creative or willing to hire people who are and give them freedom to be.
__Is supportive/encouraging of workplace fun/joy (not threatened by it).
__Values diversity and is not sexist/racist/homophobic, etc.
__Emphasizes results rather than face time.
__Plays fair rather than favorites.
__Tells the truth and calls out passive-aggressive behavior.
__Maintains a high level of integrity and behaves in an ethical way.
__Shows compassion and views mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve.
__ Is available as needed without micromanaging.
___ Cares about your long-term career development and helps you achieve your career goals.
__Gives credit where it is due instead of trying to hog the limelight.
__Knows how to deliver tough feedback without demoralizing the audience.
__Can strike the right balance of involvement and trusting employees to do their jobs.
__Is open-minded and non-defensive.
__Is savvy about workplace politics and can gain/use power for good.
Did you find the checklist helpful? If so, please share it.
Originally published 2016-08-09 on VocationVillage.com